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Serving you in Olympia has been an honor. I know that in this divisive and polarized political environment, my neighbors expect leadership and collaboration from lawmakers. I am proud of that reputation and ask to continue that work for the 49th district and the Southwest Washington region.


I am proud that we had safe and successful legislative sessions during the pandemic by following public health guidelines and maintaining our state government functions. While I am proud of past successes, I am taking up new projects in the region like affordable child care, behavioral health services, and our housing crisis. 

I ask you to send me back to Olympia to continue working with elected and natural leaders in our community to serve you, your family, and our local economy.

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Upcoming Events

  • Monica Stonier Kickoff Event 2024
    Monica Stonier Kickoff Event 2024
    Tue, Jun 25
    Jun 25, 2024, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
    Vancouver, 1109 Washington St, Vancouver, WA 98660, USA
    Jun 25, 2024, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
    Vancouver, 1109 Washington St, Vancouver, WA 98660, USA
    Join Monica for her 2024 Kickoff Event! Learn about her goals for the next legislative session and hangout with good company!
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